The Importance of Communicating Beautifully in a Post-Pandemic World
By Megan Zale
As we begin to ease back into a world stunned by weeks of social distancing and remote working, communication methods that were once no-brainers are abruptly irrelevant.

No longer is it the norm to pop over to a co-worker’s office for a spur-of-the-moment brainstorming session. It may be months before you’re able to leave a tradeshow with a fishbowl full of business cards from customer prospects. Even something as simple as a handshake may be a relic of the past.
As the unknowns continue to accumulate, we know one thing for certain: companies are going to have to make some changes. Not only are they going to have to think differently about the way they do business, but more importantly, the way they communicate both internally with their employees and externally with their prospects and established customers.
We’re living in an era where simply communicating isn’t enough. To thrive, you have to communicate beautifully.
This pandemic has undoubtedly upended your operations and likely, your brand along with it.
With the economy hanging by a thread, you can’t sit idle, just hoping your existing brand communications will tide you through the storm. Your brand must reflect the company that you’ll be tomorrow—and it must do so beautifully—or you’ll be swallowed up by the competition.
But beautiful communication isn’t just about making a piece of collateral that looks pretty. Visuals are just one part of the equation. Beautiful communication is about building a brand that speaks clearly, differentiates you, and elevates you above the competition. From the strategy, to the words, to the technology, and yes—the visuals—it all has to work together, resulting in a fully-integrated brand experience that truly exemplifies your company and emanates beauty inside and out.
At Moncur, it’s our company’s mission to communicate beautifully. And now, more than ever, we’re seeing just how mission-critical this motto really is. Without a focus on beautiful communication across all platforms, your brand remains “just average,” struggling to remain relevant and competitive in this increasingly digital and cut-throat corporate landscape.
So how is Moncur communicating beautifully in these uncertain times?
As soon as the impact of COVID-19 became evident, we immediately sprang into action, thinking differently about how we could evolve our operations and brand to better serve the needs of a post-pandemic world. We explored new and emerging business sectors to pursue, worked to expand our offering to support the increasingly digital nature of corporate communications, and shifted the way we communicate internally to accommodate a remote workforce. We went back to the drawing board to uncover ways that our own company can communicate more beautifully with everyone we work with.
In fact, one of our first initiatives was launching a new website that more accurately reflects the company that we are today. Now, we’re excited to re-launch our blog as well. In times when our business development team is unable to meet face-to-face with customer prospects, we’ve found a way to bring our thought leadership to them in a different, social-distancing-friendly, way. We look forward to using this blog as a place to explore trending topics, share our insights, and give the world a glimpse of the Moncur way of life—from afar.
As we continue to look ahead, many questions undoubtedly remain. We don’t know when, or if, we’ll ever return to what was once considered “normal.” However, we are confident that with a focus on beautiful communication, we’ll come out on the other side of this pandemic even stronger.